Headshots & Portraits

Whether you need a LinkedIn profile picture, are starting a new job search, or want a promotional image for a press release or magazine article, we have you covered. You may select from a variety of colours or we can shoot you in your natural environment. During our consultation, we will discover what picture is best for your company headshot or portrait so that you may achieve your objectives. Give us a call at 314-913-5626 for a free assessment today.

Mike Haller, a St Louis Photo Studio headshot and business portrait specialist, has produced photographs for CEOs of Fortune 500 companies as well as independent entrepreneurs, consultants, and small businesses in our studio in Lincoln Park, just south of downtown St Louis. We are able to accommodate clients throughout the metropolitan area.

Whether you require a LinkedIn profile image, are starting a new job search, or want a press release or magazine article photograph, we’ve got you covered. You may select from a variety of classic backdrops in various colors or have your photograph taken in your natural environment. Our photographers will discuss with you what is most beneficial for your company headshot or portrait in order to achieve your goals with your professional photos.

We’ve got the expertise to produce the highest quality headshots and business portraits for enterprises, businesses, and startups in St. Louis and the surrounding region. Additionally, we collaborate with a few individual entrepreneurs and professionals to generate powerful personal branding images that can take your professional image to the next level. Our services include photographing multiple people during the same session, be it partners, executives, leadership teams, boards of directors, or staff, either at your offices or in our St. Louis studios.   We shoot for doctors, lawyers, models, actors and for many just starting out in their careers. We build trust and relationships and proud to have shot many client’s many times over the course of their lifetime for business and social needs.

For groups of employees, our professional mobile studio setup is equipped to photograph hundreds of people at our clients’ location. We are the experts in capturing people, teams, and companies at their best; we take the time to light each one of our subjects beautifully and provide direction to truly present you at your best. The pictures we create together can be comparable to those featured in an article about you and your company in Inc. magazine.

What is a Headshot & Business Portrait and Why it Is Important?

Having a professional headshot or business portrait is essential in today’s digital world.

Do you want to make sure you stand out and leave an impression? If so, it’s time to learn about why having a headshot or business portrait matters.

You can get ahead with a headshot that captures your unique personality and professional style.

Introduction to Headshots & Business Portraits

Headshots and business portraits are essential for today’s online presence and can be used in many forms from promotional materials such as business cards and flyers, to professional profiles on sites such as LinkedIn or your own website. Headshots can also be used on your social media accounts to give your followers an idea of who you are, while at the same time projecting credibility, professionalism and connecting with potential partners and clients.

It is important to be aware that headshots should not confuse those looking at it with a modeling portrait. This type of image needs to show the individual in their most natural mindset and highlighting their eyes for a connection with the viewer. Professional headshots are typically taken by a trained photographer using the appropriate lighting, angles, lenses and posing techniques. For example, certain wardrobes may work better than others; dark backgrounds may provide added contrast which can draw more attention to the individual; looking directly into the camera allows for more personal engagement when someone is viewing it; and so forth.

In order to create an successful professional headshot or business portrait that reflects your best self, it is important that you find a photographer who has experience in this field as well as having equipment and resources necessary to achieve the desired results. Therefore taking time in researching photographers and viewing their portfolios will help lead you into getting the right outcome when selecting them for this type of work.

Benefits of Professional Headshots & Business Portraits

The importance of professional headshots and business portraits lies in the message they communicate to potential clients, employers, or colleagues. A professional portrait will make your online presence look more polished and reputable. It also gives you an opportunity to showcase who you are in a more personal way. Plus, today’s digital world has made it easy for people to thumbnail through photos quickly when searching for the right person to represent their business – having a great headshot is essential!

Professional headshots and business portraits provide several benefits:

-It sets the tone for your personal and/or professional brand. It can be used on websites, magazine articles, promotional materials, resumes and job applications.

-A high quality photograph signals that you take pride in what you do.

-It makes it easy for people to recognize you in person because they’ve already seen your photo online!

-Your business portrait is part of how others form an initial impression of who you are as a professional. It can influence how potential employers view your qualifications or help start networking conversations in a positive way.

-Having multiple photographs captured each session enables you to portray multiple facets of yourself with the same wardrobe changes or different poses, which may be especially useful if different looks are desired across channels or over time

-Gives both professionals and organizations an eye catching visual asset that can be used all around Social Media networks.

Types of Headshots & Business Portraits

Headshots and business portraits can be broken down into various types, each typically created for a specific purpose. By understanding these types and which one applies to your situation, you can create the perfect image.

Corporate headshots are usually taken in a photo studio by a professional photographer and often feature an individual in formal attire. These shots may be used for company websites, marketing materials, or to identify staff members in employee profiles or other business-related documents.

Business portraits are usually more candid in nature and are often taken outdoors with little or no special lighting. They often capture the personality of the subject more than is possible with corporate headshots. Business portraits generally have a professional feel but don’t conform to traditional poses used in headshots.

For those looking to make an impression with potential clients or partners, executive headshots offer a great way to establish yourself as an authority figure within your industry. Executive headshots should show a sense of professionalism that befits someone of a higher status such as C-level executives or business owners. The best executive images should showcase confidence without being intimidating.

Aspiring actors may also require theatrical headshots which emphasize different attributes than executive shots such as looks, intensity and emotion that will help get them noticed by casting directors and agents alike. Theatrical heads shots typically feature tight cropped photos of the face from multiple angles to demonstrate different emotions and expressions.

Tips for Getting Professional Headshots & Business Portraits

Every experienced businessperson knows that appearance matters in professional settings, and your image is key to making a powerful first impression. Professional headshots and business portraits offer the perfect opportunity to convey the qualities that you would like others to see in you – whether it’s confidence, intelligence, trustworthiness or any other trait that sets you apart from the competition. When it comes to presenting yourself professionally on LinkedIn, social media or any other digital platform, having a high-quality headshot or business portrait will make all the difference.

While a professional photographer can help you create great photos with minimal effort, there are still a few tips you can follow to ensure your photo is up to par:

Choose Your Outfit Carefully: As with any photo shoot, selecting an outfit is very important. Avoid bright colors on lighter backgrounds and vice versa; take into account things like the color of the backdrop when selecting what clothes to wear. Choose something flattering and appropriate for your industry – dress clothes work best for headshots and business portraits.

Run It by Other People: An outsider’s perspective can help you decide which outfit looks best in photos of yourself – so consider asking friends or family for their thoughts before committing to a look. Make sure someone else has approved your clothing choice before taking photographs!

Pay Attention To Your Hair & Makeup: Taking good care of how you look goes beyond just choosing an outfit for your photos. Be sure to groom yourself properly by brushing/combing through your hair before the shoot and wear minimal makeup if possible (or apply makeup as usual if desired). Doing these steps will ensure your photo looks vibrant without being overdone or distracting. As they say “less is more”!

Relax & Have Fun!: Try not to be too hard on yourself during a photo session as it will show in your images! Instead try taking deep breaths every few minutes throughout the photoshoot as this will help release any tension or stress that might be visible in opening shots (even though they can easily be edited out later). Of course – enjoy the experience and don’t be afraid of showing off personality in front of the camera either – have fun with it!

What to Wear for Professional Headshots & Business Portraits

You’ve decided to invest in a professional headshot and business portrait session and you want to look your very best. It’s important that your images reflect who you are and how you want the world to see you. But what should you wear?

Good wardrobe choices can affect how viewers perceive both you and your photo. Here are some tips on how to pick out the most appropriate outfit for a professional headshot:

• Choose classic, timeless styles – Clothes that are non-trendy will stand the test of time in terms of style and fashion. Classic clothing is not ‘fussy’ but rather more neutral and will ensure that your photos remain relevant for a longer period of time. The goal is for your images to remain consistent with current market trends, so avoid clothes with noticeable embellishments such as sparkles or other loud accessories that won’t age well.

• Evaluate Location – Consider whether or not there is a theme for the images being taken when deciding on what clothing is best suited for the event/session. If possible, take cues from the environment – if it’s an outdoor shoot then perhaps lighter clothes would be appropriate while if it’s indoors then picking out darker tones may be better suited. Darker colors tend to draw attention towards them while lighter colors can create a more calming or playful atmosphere; any message should be cohesive with both the scenery and yourself as a whole person/brand.

• Avoid overly flashy apparel – Bright stripes, polka dots, or anything else heavily patterned might draw too much attention away from one’s face making it difficult for people looking at your photograph to focus on who you truly are. While stylish statement pieces are nice, keep in mind that subtlety usually works better than large busy patterns when shooting in studio settings as they help keep focus solely on the person being photographed rather than anything outside-of-the-box they may be wearing! On the same note, try wearing fewer items of clothing as well; pairing down outfits can help make sure nothing detracts from either yourself or any backdrops present during shoots too!

• Stick With Neutral Color Palettes – Opting for neutrals helps bring attention back towards faces being photographed by avoiding drawing excessive amounts of attention away from them onto bright pieces of clothing instead; think whites, grays and blacks with perhaps some touches olive greens/blues here-&-there if necessary! Additionally – color combinations between tops & bottoms should match either in their vibrancy level (same color intensity) or contrast nicely depending on desired affects throughout photosets too!

How to Use Professional Headshots & Business Portraits

For many professionals, the traditional headshot and business portrait have become an essential part of creating a successful image. A high-quality business portrait conveys confidence and trustworthiness, both essential traits to help establish strong professional relationships in today’s global economy. Whether you need a professional portrait for your personal website, business card, or media campaign, it is important to know how to get the most out of your photo session.

Here are some tips on how to use professional headshots and business portraits:

1. Use them on company websites: Professional headshots create an immediate connection between the viewer and the person pictured. When featuring key personnel on a corporate website, ensure that each person has their own individualized portrait taken in order to communicate trustworthiness and recognition throughout the organization.

2. Use them for printed materials: Business cards with professional headshots can make an excellent impression when you are out representing your company or meeting with potential clients or partners. You can also use these pictures in print advertisements or any type of marketing materials meant for individuals outside of your company’s walls.

3. Use them on social networks: While casual images may be more appropriate on places such as Facebook, LinkedIn is one place where it pays off to have well-polished headshots attached to your profile page –it’s often one of the first impressions employers have of potential hires!

4. Use them for press releases: Many high-level executives rely upon good-quality headshots for any type of press release or other document intended for external audiences such as customers, investors and media personnel –this ensures that their images are presented in their best possible light!

By investing in a quality professional photograph taken by a qualified photographer with experience capturing professional images ,you can ensure that you have created an image that accurately represents yourself while also showcasing your personality in its best light – one that will benefit you greatly both personally and professionally over time!

Cost of Professional Headshots & Business Portraits

Professional headshots and business portraits can be quite expensive, with prices ranging widely depending on the photographer, studio, and type of session. While you don’t need to pay enormous fees as an individual to take your headshot, if you’re looking for a great image that truly expresses who you are then investing in a professional photographer may be worth it.

The basic cost of professional headshots or business portraits usually starts around $150-$300 USD for a thirty-minute session. This price often includes the photographer’s fee as well as retouching by a graphic artist, such as removing blemishes and smoothing hair. In addition to this fee, additional services may also be necessary such as makeup/hair (if desired) or additional prints of your image on different backgrounds or surfaces. Pricing may also depend on where you live: studio costs in large cities like New York or Los Angeles will generally be more expensive than those located in rural areas.

If the cost is too prohibitive to have your portrait taken at a studio, there are other options available such as outdoor or lifestyle sessions which can still yield great results without breaking the bank. Additionally, talking with photographers who specialize in headshots and business portraits may reveal discounts and packages that can help reduce costs even further.


Having an up-to-date business portrait is a critical component of making a favorable impression on both personal and professional levels. It gives people an accurate look at your face and lets them connect more easily with your spirit, without having to meet you in person. Having a great headshot can help you stand out from the competition and make it easier to get noticed by potential clients or employers.

Your headshot should reflect the image you want to portray – friendly and approachable, professional, confident – whatever speaks to your brand. Professional photography services for business portraits will help ensure that you look great in your headshots. With expert lighting, attention to detail, and retouching when needed, professional photos will showcase the best version of yourself for the world to see.

Remember that with high quality comes high value – good photography has the potential to impact how potential customers perceive your business or online presence before they’ve even spoken with you.

Mike Haller
4501 Mattis Road St Louis, MO 63128